Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I know that sounds harsh and old-school, but....

Check out Given Breath, with "FYI (if you're a teen girl)" post, written by Mrs. Hall concerning her family---3 sons, one daughter, and the social media and who they let into their lives.


...I have some information that might interest you. Last night, as we sometimes do, our family sat around the dining-room table and looked through your social media photos.
...So, here’s the bit that I think is important for you to realize. 
...And so, in our house, there are no second chances, ladies. If you want to stay friendly with the Hall men, you’ll have to keep your clothes on, and your posts decent.  
...I know that sounds harsh and old-school, but that’s just the way it is under this roof for a while. We hope to raise men with a strong moral compass, and men of integrity don’t linger over pictures of scantily clad high-school girls.
...Every day I pray for the women my boys will love.  I hope they will be drawn to real beauties, the kind of women who will leave them better people in the end. I also pray that my sons will be worthy of this kind of woman, that they will be patient – and act honorably – while they wait for her.
...Will you trust me? There are boys out there waiting and hoping for women of character. Some young men are fighting the daily uphill battle to keep their minds pure, and their thoughts praiseworthy.
Keeping you and your family safe in this dangerous, evil world is worth it--- so work at it.