Sunday, October 25, 2009

Touching Up My Portrait of Two Ladies: Lady A Revisited

Well, ladies…….it has been much too long since I have been on here. “Life” goes by way too fast and I can rarely catch up.….Although I have not really caught up :oD, I have chosen to get back on here. :oD

I must first humbly write a much needed update on my previous entry of February 27, 2009,
A portrait of two Titus 2 ladies: choosing to live abundantly for the LORD!

Concerning my dear Lady A and Lady B, their lives go on and these two dear women continue to be so precious to me and a great joy.

During this year, though, I discovered something concerning Lady A and I am now ashamed of my “quick” judgment of her (when I say “quick,” this is after knowing her for a decade). I have incorrectly evaluated her as not moving on and boldly living for the LORD even through tears.

As my previous blog entry said, she has dealt with many health issues and, because of this, these health issues have isolated her. Until about a year ago she was blessed to live in her own home. This dear woman now lives in an apartment connected to a nursing home. For really the first time, I have seen her thriving while dealing with her health issues, and interacting with the other residents and staff. No matter if she is room-bound or walking around the facility, she is always encouraging, smiling, loving everyone she meets. These people tell me what a special person she is to them. Lady A is, and has been, a shining example of the Lord Jesus. I just didn’t have the opportunity to actually see it.

I learned long ago not to judge a book by it’s cover -- but obviously not well enough.  I am praising the LORD for the opportunity to watch my dear Lady A in action :oD, for she has obviously encouraged so many others as well as encouraging me.

“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.” Ephesians 5:1-2

As for my precious Lady B, this has been a very difficult year because her beloved daughter died unexpectedly in June, at age 46.  Lady B has been a beautiful example of drawing near to the LORD in all things even when she cannot understand why the LORD would take her child so soon.  I find myself in awe at how the LORD gives His own strength for us to move on as we actively wait for glory, and I treasure Lady B all the more.

“The righteous cry, and the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Psalm 34: 17-18

Update 5/27/11

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