Thursday, June 17, 2010

Work of my hands

My life continues to be busy.  (Haven’t I written this before?)  I have longed for the days that my life would slow down, but these days never really come.  As I move on to "next things" there are always new ones to replace them!  Sometimes this is overwhelming for me.  One dear friend has described her life as a runaway train.  This is how I feel sometimes.

In reality I am able to stop and smell the roses   :oD  It is not like I am busy 24/7. I realized long ago that keeping my hands busy is a good thing.  As my hands are busy so is my mind. This can be good or bad depending on what I am thinking while busy.  Hmmmmm.....

The same is true while resting.  When I am at rest I can think of good and right things and be very blessed by thinking. When I am emotionally sad and resting it is very easy to go down wrong thinking roads.  This can lead to spiraling downward into more unbiblical thinking.  As we focus in on ourselves we can feed unbiblical thinking.

I did not expect June to be so busy. I actually haven’t even thought of June yet. (Isn’t it April still?)  And here we are about half way to July.  My June has been spent doing everything that is normal, harvesting a bumper strawberry crop, and preparing for a garage sale.

The garage sale completed and the strawberries finished---this week I have been cleaning, reorganizing, and just enjoying working in my home. I feel confident knowing my house is in order - or getting that way.  :oD 

“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and confirm for us the work of our hands; yes, confirm the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:17

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good posts! I like your photos especially the
hummingbird which is my fav bird..Lin in BC