Saturday, April 23, 2011

You are more than what you do.

A highly intelligent man we know loves the LORD with all his heart.  He worked for decades with a prestigious local company and, as with many companies, he and numerous others in his age bracket were laid off.  As it is with many who lose their jobs, it took a few years before he found employment with another firm in another city.

During the time he was without a job and looking for one with all the concerns of how to support his family and for the future, I often heard him say something profound about his former employer, and also about the next employer who ever that would be.

His comment to others would always be that “employer A” supported him all those years so he could work for the LORD (outside of work) and that the future “employer B” would support him in the future for him to work for the LORD.  His testimony was beautiful.  It not only encouraged the hearers, but I am sure it encouraged himself and his family.

Likewise, as the LORD God’s adopted daughters, we are more than what we do.  The world may say you are only a homemaker, for example, but you know differently.  You are a handmaiden of the King of Kings!  No matter if we work outside our homes or if we work inside our homes, we are His children and we have work to do for Him.  Your intelligence and your esteemed position in this world doesn’t matter to Him; it is who you are living for.  If you are living for Him, then your treasure is in heaven.

So when you get up to get to work, no matter if it is brain surgery or cleaning up your bathroom, work at it as unto the LORD.  Let’s glorify the LORD!!

"Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us;  and confirm for us the work of our hands;
Yes, confirm the work of our hands."  Psalm 90:17

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