Wednesday, July 25, 2012

An Agony Without End

2 Corinthians 1:2-7
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.  For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.  But if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; or if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which is effective in the patient enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer;  and our hope for you is firmly grounded, knowing that as you are sharers of our sufferings, so also you are sharers of our comfort.

After time drones on and on our sorrows can seemingly look like, feel like, and be like an agony without end.

But are they without end?

This very hot, dry summer has been agonizing for me, and it just continues to drone on like sorrows.  The grass is completely brown with only the weeds comically poking through as green plant-like fireworks above the grass which can’t be mowed because it is so dry.  We are now so used to this sight that we are numb to it.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I was out in the spring before the weather turned hot and dry finally transplanting perennials.  Since this dry spell began, I have only kept hand watering just these certain places of transplants, my potted flowers, window boxes, and I also keep the bird baths clean and full.

This must be done everyday.  If I miss one day of watering in the early morning or late evening, the heat of the day sometimes reaches over a hundred degrees which can be too much for these certain plants.  Further more, in the transplant area, I am watering much of what I do not even see.  Although no one would believe there are plants in these spots, I know the plants personally because I put them there.  Only their leaves have faded away with their new roots still alive below the surface.

Going out everyday to water and clean the bird baths and feed them takes a certain amount of time.  Sometimes it is pleasant with a breeze, it is quiet except for the birds, and I can feel alone and private in this special time.  Other times when I need to do many other things, the watering routine can be a chore just to get over with so I can do what seems more important and do that which is needed to be accomplished.

One of those “chore” days I was watering and could hardly wait to be finished.  I was lamenting the days, the times, the hardships, the waiting---and then I sighed.  Just that single sigh made me realize that this day was predicted to reach one hundred degrees and yet at that moment the breeze, the sky, the birds were beautiful.  All of my lamenting had almost prevented me from missing that precious time being alone and private.  I laughed when I thought of how many summers I have not had to be out watering transplants in the heat, but how --this spring-- I had gotten out and “did next things” like I always counsel others to do.  I believe the LORD had prompted me then to get out and do those transplanting this spring so that now --everyday-- I must go out and water.  I may be looking all around as everything else suffers from the dry heat, but I also enjoy what is surviving and will be surviving because of my efforts.  Instead of staying inside in the cool and waiting for the weather and temperature to break, I do go out and do next things.  More importantly, I have alone and private times with Him while I do my “chores”.

This was a breath of fresh air for my dry, inner person who is sometimes worn out from waiting.  He is all of my strength, all of my comfort. He is full of compassion and I can truly rest in Him when I am dry.  When I rest in Him, when I run to Him, then I am able to have the strength to comfort and encourage others.

Are your and my agonizing sorrows without end?  We serve a just God, a compassionate God.  As we wait for His timing in whatever our agony, we can trust that He is working and working quickly in His perfect time.

"... will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them?   I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly..."
Luke 18:7-8

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