Monday, August 24, 2020

Though Troubles Assail Us

 --John Newton

Though troubles assail us, and dangers affright,
Though friends should all fail us, and foes all unite,
Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide,
The promise assures us, "The Lord will provide."

The birds, without garner or storehouse, are fed;
From them let us learn to trust God for our bread:
His saints what is fitting shall ne'er be denied
So long as 'tis written, "The Lord will provide."

When Satan assails us to stop up our path,
And courage all fails us, we triumph by faith.
He cannot take from us, though oft he has tried,
This heart-cheering promise, "The Lord will provide."

No strength of our own, and no goodness we claim;
Yet, since we have known of the Saviour's great name,
In this our strong tower for safety we hide:
The Lord is our power, "The Lord will provide."
Philippians 4:19
"And my God will supply all your needs 
according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."


Anonymous said...

I’d never read this poem of John Newton. I’m glad you shared it, and now I will check to see if it is a hymn. You and Carolyn give needed encouragement for the days on your blog! Bless both of you!


The Piper's Wife said...

Yes, isn't this poem encouraging! We also haven;t heard it. It was a hymn this Sunday with the tune from another hymn. It said it was a "Welsh" melody. It was not what I found on the internet. I will make a note and look it up tomorrow as I will be in the building. :o)

Praising the LORD with you!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your kind words. Likewise I always look forward to reading your comments here on Jill's blog. I agree with what you said about the Newton poem.

Jill - thank you for sharing it!

We all need to encourage one another, even moreso as the day approaches... and oh what a day that will be!


The Piper's Wife said...

Yes, we all need to continually encourage Saints in the LORD!

I looked today for that hymn music. I need to ask a friend who can "hear" it and tell me what other hymn is which uses that music. All the hymnal said was "Traditional Welsh Tune"

Praying for you both.....Jill

The Piper's Wife said...

I went to me "Tune Whisperer" friend and I now have the hymn music for which we sang "Though Troubles Assail Us" by John Newton. It is the Traditional Welsh Hymn melody used for the Walter Chalmers Smith hymn, "Immortal,Invisible, God Only Wise". :o) Both are such gems! Praises to the LORD!!

Anonymous said...

Great find! I also found the hymn online in the Orthodox Presbyterian Trinity hymnal sung to the same WC Smith hymn, “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”!


The Piper's Wife said...

Wonderful! :o)

Anonymous said...

Jill and Kathryn,

Thank you for finding the tune for this Newton poem/hymn. It absolutely fits the music from Immortal Invisible. I agree that both the Newton hymn and Immortal Invisible are such gems.

It's no secret that I love hymnody. :)

Blessings to you both!


The Piper's Wife said...

Yes, Carolyn, this Newton poem fits perfectly into the Immortal hymn! I love hymns also. Such a joy to read them, sing them! And when the music is just "the help" and the voices rise above it, what joy! I know this is rare now-a-days :o/ but if you have it, enjoy!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill,

"And when the music is just "the help" and the voices rise above it, what joy! I know this is rare now-a-days :o/ but if you have it, enjoy!!!"

AMEN! Not nearly enough as I'd like!


The Piper's Wife said...

Coralyn, I completely understand.

We found a Body which is Biblical and worships with real hymns with the volume a normal piano. After years of loud "yaya" music it is joy! It is a haven in the midst of chaos. Thankful!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill,

So glad to hear it! Our church also has good Biblical worship (teaching and song). Musically, they keep the volume at a healthy level (that in itself is a "Praise the Lord!"), but they utilize more of the doctrinally sound contemporary songs than hymnody. That's my only "complaint". I just prefer the hymns of old, far above the doctrinally sound contemporary music. Else, I'm super thankful!



Anonymous said...

Hello again Jill and Carolyn!

Christian poetry, either put to music or not, ministers to my soul, and I think it does to yours also! Tonight I was skimming thru old files on my computer and found a wonderful poem I had saved by Robert Murray M’Cheyne. “When This Passing World Is Done”. It is long or I would post it here. Perhaps you can find pertinent for living in the here and now, and focuses on what is owed to our Lord!


The Piper's Wife said...

Thankful for you, Carolyn, for your church body! Seemingly few and far between now-a-days.

Thank you, Carolyn, for the beautiful lyrics for the hymn. It is wonderful!