Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I took my eyes off of Him

Yesterday I was overwhelmed and overcome by my situation and my agony.  I forgot the LORD's character.  I believed how I felt, and I felt as if He had forgotten me in my trials.  All I wanted was to get home to my sanctuary so I could cry out to God and tell Him how I felt, so I could completely cry tears of utter hopelessness.

But He already knew how I felt as I was driving home.  He was already carrying me and keeping me from crying in my hopelessness.  As I drove, I would remind myself over and over again of His faithfulness and how He would not have forgotten me.  Even though I felt certain ways, I knew in Whom I trusted!  I knew I could not trust my feelings.

I have learned that this life is so real, but that He is working behind the scenes in amazing ways that we can't even fathom.  He is working behind the curtain on people's hearts.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and this includes our inner-most person.  He is working even when we see no change.

I came home to share with my Beloved my overwhelming feelings.  He assured me and I agreed, that even though I felt great fear and also abandonment of the LORD, that this was not the truth.

I turned to the scriptures, but I could not think of where to find comfort from Him.  My mind went to the Psalms, and to Psalm 31 where He met me right where I was in my fear and wrong thinking.  It was just what I needed to hear to be reminded that He has not abandoned me.  I can not trust my feelings, but I can trust in the LORD my God.  I need to keep my eyes on Him even when I am overwhelmed and overcome in my feelings.

Praise to the LORD God Almighty!

In You, O LORD, I have taken refuge;  Let me never be ashamed;  in Your righteousness deliver me.  Incline Your ear to me, rescue me quickly;  Be to me a rock of strength, a stronghold to save me.  For You are my rock and fortress;  For Your name's sake You will lead me and guide me.  You will pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid for me, for You are my strength. Psalm 31:1-4

You can find comfort in Him in your situations also.  Run to Him and seek His face.


Cherry Bieber said...

I was just writing this morning about how the Lord has repeatedly taken hold of my outstretched hands and lifted me out of so much pain. Sometimes the pain (emotional or physical) does not immediately resolve, but His comfort definitely makes it bearable and relieves the "what if" fears that often take the helm of my life. Thank you for this word of encouragement!

Marie said...

Preach it, sister. We all need reminders of this! I hope He's comforting you and your day was better today.

The Piper's Wife said...

Thank you, Cherry and Marie,

I understand why the LORD allows pain into our lives. I have been in the depths and I have been on the heights. When on the heights I soon enough forget my deep desires to walk closely with Him. Pain draws us to Him like nothing else can.

This last decade-plus has been the worst of my life---but it has also been the best because I have seen the hand of God as He has tenderly touched me & how He has carefully carried me through this terrible storm. He knows my agony and He is working even when I do not see any changes. And so I praise His name!

Anonymous said...

I have been battling a skin condition for over the past year. Since Thanksgiving I have been on Prednisone 4 times to get my skin healed, only to break out and itch, like I am covered by poison ivy. The prednisone raises my blood pressure, and eye pressure, not to mention mood changes, some folks call "roid rage" from the steroids, taken orally, by injection, and by topical creams. First treated by PC physician, then by dermitologist, then E.R on New Years day, and again on vacation. Last week I blew out my MCL and meniscus cartilage, even while being allergy tested by an allergist.
It all sounds so awful, but my Lord and His grace are sufficient for me! Folks are amazed at my peace which He gives, for it passes all understanding. I am recovering from the testing which went awry since one of the things I am allergic to is the tape they used to hold the testing patches to my body! Now it turns out I am allergic to many common chemicals, including some of the creams prescribed to help me heal! LOL I guess that is why they call it practicing medicine! I thank God for being Jehovah Roffa as He directs my recovery. I am already walking on the knee without crutches and a brace, yet my surgeon hasn't even got me in for the MRI yet! I plan to walk in for the MRI next friday scheduled to confirm his diagnosis, then dance in to the surgeon's office the following week to hear how bad my knee is! "Dear doctor, have you met the great physician yet?!?
Thank you for a great blog dear sister!

The Piper's Wife said...

Thank you, Anonymous, for sharing your distressing trial. I agree that they are "practicing medicine" and I lament with you over your rashes. I have gone through something like this, and I know how frustrating it can be as time drags on. It has been a long haul for you--hang in there and continue to run to Him! He is our One and Only who can give us the strength to get through even the darkest hour. He will not forget you! praying for you now----