Friday, June 10, 2011

Trust is Hope with Gray Hair

“A gray head is a crown of glory; It is found in the way of righteousness.“
Proverbs 16:31 NAS

I began to have a random gray hair after I turned twenty-five.  What was that about?

By forty years old it was really beginning to be more than a random thing.  My Beloved called my gray hairs “silver,” as he honored and loved me. 

I suppose it has been our culture that has affected me concerning my gray hair because it still bothered me to be changing from my natural brown locks.  I needed to change my wrong thinking.

Just about 5 years ago I had stopped at a store and, as I walked in, an employee gave me a 25% off coupon when I noticed that others did not receive one.  I was excited to have been in the right place at the right time! - until I went through the check out line and I was told that I had a senior citizen 25% off coupon.

I love seniors and plan to be one someday, but I was not ready to be called one while being under fifty!  Obviously my going-silver hair put me into the senior citizen category, and so I was given a coupon; it had nothing to do with being in the right place at the right time!  It had all to do with my hair going naturally gray---or "silver"--- in a culture that doesn’t want to look old.

When the cashier told me about the senior citizen coupon, I was a bit shocked because I did have over a decade to go before that even happened. But 25% is still 25% ~~ so I humbled myself without saying a word and took it like a silver-haired woman!  It certainly began to change my way of thinking to more right thinking.  If I was willing to take a senior citizen coupon for my silver hair, then I needed to just relax about my hair naturally changing color.

Since then I am even more silver.  Just like a dear, silver-haired friend from decades ago, I can look into the mirror and sometimes wonder who that person is!  I must remember that my silver is my crown of splendor, my glory.

Recently I made 20 jars of strawberry jam with my hair up in knot with the inevitable wisps flying around my head.  By the end of the day I had these beautiful jars sparkling on the counter as well as some sticky, pink strands of silver.

Then it came to me.  Instead of a Strawberry Blonde ~~~ I had a Strawberry Silver head of hair!  Heehe~~

“Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life.”
Proverbs 16:31 NIV

Another dear friend with beautiful silver hair recently sent me this quote from her stash of notes:

"Trust is hope with gray hair.  A little older, a little wiser, still waiting, still anticipating, still hoping ~~ but believing at the same time.  Believing in the order and the good even when it can’t always be seen.  Trust is the older sister of hope who lives with quiet confidence, standing tall in a world that she doesn’t always understand.  She teaches us to close our eyes, click our ruby slippers and whisper, “there’s no place like hope.”

“Life” in this world is tough.  Don’t let it overwhelm you.  Run to The Strong Tower!  He is your hope if you surrender your life and trust in Him.
“The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe.”
Proverbs 18:10 NAS

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