Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Lose all your guilty stains!

There is a fountain filled with blood 
drawn from Emmanuel's veins; 
and sinners plunged beneath that flood 
lose all their guilty stains. 
Lose all their guilty stains, 
lose all their guilty stains; 
and sinners plunged beneath that flood 
lose all their guilty stains. 

The dying thief rejoiced to see 
that fountain in his day; 
and there may I, though vile as he, 
wash all my sins away. 
Wash all my sins away, 
wash all my sins away; 
and there may I, though vile as he, 
wash all my sins away. 

Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood 
shall never lose its power 
till all the ransomed church of God 
be saved, to sin no more. 
Be saved, to sin no more, 
be saved, to sin no more; 
till all the ransomed church of God 
be saved, to sin no more. 

E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream 
thy flowing wounds supply, 
redeeming love has been my theme, 
and shall be till I die. 
And shall be till I die, 
and shall be till I die; 
redeeming love has been my theme, 
and shall be till I die. 

Then in a nobler, sweeter song, 
I'll sing thy power to save, 
when this poor lisping, stammering tongue 
lies silent in the grave. 
Lies silent in the grave, 
lies silent in the grave; 
when this poor lisping, stammering tongue 
lies silent in the grave. 

by William Cowper
Zechariah 13:1
“In that day a fountain will be opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for impurity.


Anonymous said...

This is a GREAT hymn!

I vote for more of this in church. Less of the other stuff... :)


Anonymous said...

What a privilege we have, as believers, to sing about and to our Lord. A friend and I have been discussing whether or not angels sing. I've looked at Luke 2:13 where angels said, not sang, " Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill to men". JV McGee
preached a sermon where he said he did not believe angles can sing. Any insights? Thanks. I love this posted hymn!


The Piper's Wife said...

Praise the LORD! I completely agree! Why can't there be one point in the service where they ask for requests?!

(Because more than half of the hands would go up?!)

We attend a conservative (enough) church. When the "Ya Ya" choruses change to a good old hymn that is when EVERYONE sings! and we can't even hear the instruments! Does anyone in charge even notice this difference?

Oh, LORD, come quickly! We long to worship you in person!

No more "frufraw"!

The Piper's Wife said...

Kathryn, concerning angles singing: I have heard JV McGee's teaching also. I think we always assume the angels sang because of the Christmas tunes.

But look at Job 38:7 and wonder some more :o)

I can't even imagine not being able to praise the LORD in this way!