Saturday, April 14, 2018

God was God, and there was work to do.

She Waited for the Call That Never Came

She waited for the call that never came;
searched every mail for a letter, or a note, or card,
that bore his name; 
and on her knees at night, 
and on her feet all day, 
she stormed Heaven’s gate in his behalf;
she pled for him in Heaven’s high court.

“Be still, and wait; and see”—
the word God gave; then she 
knew that He would do in and for and with him,
that which she never could.

So doubts ignored
she went about her chores
with joy—
knowing, though spurned,
His word was true.

The prodigal had not returned, 
but God was God,
and there was work to do.

By Ruth Bell Graham

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