Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Vacations for Whom?!

So sweet!


Anonymous said...

Your posts about birds and God’s lovely creatures always bless me! I have a hummingbird feeder right below my kitchen window. There is an ant trap on top. The little sparrows and goldfinches think that’s their personal water fountain! The bluebirds and robins and doves know to go to the always-filled bird bath! I get so much enjoyment out of bird watching! My dad built several thousand birdhouses during his lifetime. The first one was for me when I asked him to build one for a newly sighted bluebird in our yard. That started him on a lifetime hobby which he generously shared with others.

Blessings to you,

The Piper's Wife said...

Thank you, Kathryn, for sharing. I also have ant traps above our 2 tube hummingbird feeders, but I have never been blessed to see any birds using it as a bird bath like you have. How wonderful for you! Joy!

We also are so blessed by watching the birds all these years. It was my father who instilled this love in me as I grew up. As long as I can remember he was always making bird houses for anyone who would allow him to put them up. He eventually put many blue bird houses out on the open land of his employment! After I was married he began making squirrel houses. The one he gave us never had squirrels while we lived there, but a small owl used it!

How blessed you and I have been with our fathers!