Thursday, June 4, 2020

Cults, Totalitarian Regimes, Control, and Manipulation

Children, Honor Your Parents

"Yet another reason why honoring parents and long enduring civilization are connected is strong families form a major bulwark against totalitarian regimes. 

A standard feature of totalitarian regimes is the shifting of children’s loyalty and obedience from their parents to the state. One of the first things totalitarian regimes seek to do is weaken parental authority and replace it with the party or state. 

In such countries, children are encouraged to inform on their parents if they make critical comments—or even tell jokes—about government leaders or about the dominant ideology (in the modern period, that would almost always refer to communism, Nazism, or radical Islamism). 

Consequently, parents would often fear to speak openly in front of their children."

Dennis Prager, The Rational Bible, Exodus: God, Slavery, and Freedom, pg.258

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