Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Honoring those whom we have lost

Our Christmas tree has always been full of traditions.  If you were to ask me about each ornament and decoration, I would be able to recall the special event or Christmas it was added, or who made it or who gave it to us.  Each year, each tree is full of our precious memories.

I personally would not be able to have a "theme" tree for a year, as some people have, as I would miss all of our special traditions. But if all of our special decorations were destroyed in some way, we would just begin with new memories.

One way of helping each other deal with sadnesses in our lives, like the loss of dear people, is to display a special ornament of theirs which will bring happy memories and honor their life which was woven into ours.  The loss is not hidden, and the person is loved and honored even though they are not with us any longer.

Traditions throughout the year can give us a warm and safe feeling, but we must also be willing to move and change if need be.   You will not want to set up "shrines" for the loved ones you have lost, but enjoy your happy memories of them.

Let us praise the LORD for the people who have been woven into our lives, and let us strive to mend and revive relationships with those people we are still privileged to have with us.

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