Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Power of His Light

One small speck of light can alight a room, but The Light of the World is able to do far more than we can imagine.  Praise God!

May this devotion by Diane Head encourage you:

His Light by Diane Head,  from NIV Women’s Devotional, page 988

There are some days in a mother’s life when the sun just doesn’t seem to rise.  We may have been disappointed by someone.  Or maybe we’re not feeling good about ourselves or about our relationships with others.  Maybe we’re just lonely.  Whatever the reason, a cloud settles…

Usually this cloud of gloom brings with it a refusal to be cheered up.  In fact, if anyone tries to cheer or uplift us we grudgingly summon a ghostly smile and slide back into our pit of despair.

This mood can almost be enjoyable.  After all, our very lives are dedicated to the welfare of our husbands and children.  Isn’t it fun to let them know it--along with how wronged we’ve been--regardless of whether or not it’s their fault?  Poor us.

Does this sound familiar?  I confess I am to some degree an authority on this subject.  Alas, it comes from firsthand experience.

We are all affected by different circumstances.  For some of us, something as simple as a cloudy day may touch off the blues.  Fatigue often precedes them.  Sometimes our depression is caused by someone who has spoken critically of us or a family member.  The list is endless.  The funny thing is that even when most of the reasons are legitimate, the resulting dejection isn’t.

It would be depressing enough if we were the only ones affected by our dark days.  But like it or not, we are the hubs of the emotional stability in our families.  If our outlook is sunny, it is reflected in every member of our household.  If, however, clouds of self-pity, gloom, and despair hover over us, they also rain down on all who come near.

The trouble with darkness is that is seems to be stronger…denser…and deeper than light.  We are almost fooled into believing that it is just as it seems.

But just as one small candle can dispel the darkness in an arena, so can the entrance of light into our souls dispel the bleak and dreary darkness lurking there.  And how much greater that light--the light of the Lord--than one little candle….

“Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light.” Micah 7:8

Daine says, "The trouble with darkness is that it seems to be stronger, denser, and deeper than light."  We are adopted daughters of the King of Kings!  So we can overcome darkness because we have the One who is able!  Let us continually go boldly to Him in everything and not allow the darkness to overcome us.

"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever.  Amen"  Ephesians 3:20-21

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