Wednesday, June 1, 2016

How do you spell pterodactyl?


In honor of my father who called me 30 years ago asking how to spell "pterodactyl".  He was with fellow Engineers and none of them could remember how it was spelled, so Dad called me. :o)

He loved feeding the birds, watching the birds, talking about birds.

Kenneth Arnold Tessneer, 1928-2014



Anonymous said...

Oh Jill!

Now we have something in common with our dads! My dad also loves the birds, and has passed on that love of them to me. I'm sorry to see that your dad is no longer living. My dad has built blue bird houses since the early 70's and many people now enjoy those precious bluebirds because of his hobby. Sadly, though, he is no longer able to build them b/c of health reasons.

Great comic strip! I'm not sure I would have known how to spell pterodactyl without my Webster's! Good for you!


The Piper's Wife said...

Kathryn, thank you for your comment! How very special for us both to have such fathers!

My father also made Bluebird houses and placed them all over the Dayton, Ohio area, plus Wright-Patt AFB. What special memories we have and how we have been blessed!

At the time my father called me I knew how to spell pterodactyl because I had young ones playing with dinosaurs. :o) I had to check the spelling for this post!