Monday, June 15, 2020

One winter's day...

One winter's day so many, many years ago - so many years ago when we had little people and just one car - I had kept the car that certain day.  

On the way home from picking up my Beloved in the evening on the highway which USED TO be way out in the country a beautiful Snowy Owl flew across the road in front of us.  Oh how exciting and how lovely it was!

Never again have we seen one, but I will never forget that special day!

God's creation up front and personal!

*internet photo


Anonymous said...

Oh! I can just imagine the grand sight that must have been! It makes it even better that you had the kids to share it with! Just today I witnessed a huge owl scoop down in the front yard. It happened so quickly that I didn’t have time to see what morsel he found running around. I hurried outside to look up in the tree but didn’t get another glimpse. God sure wows us with those marvelous birds, doesn’t He?!

Thanks for the beautiful picture!

The Piper's Wife said...

Oh, Kathryn, YES! the LORD really blesses us with so much, even His marvelous creation!

I would have loved to see your owl! How exciting!