Thursday, May 26, 2022

Ode to My Ironing Board

1993:Kitty #5, Thunder

The Ironing Board

My mother’s Green Stamps bought this one, 
But it was made better than those of today.
Made in the USA, nothing was left undone, 
It was tougher than tough and was meant to stay.

It was given the year we were married,
A long life of forty-six years.
When needed for work it never tarried
And now is remembered with tears.

Serving in seven abodes in three different states,
It was longer and tougher than new ones.
It took on many dresses and many shirts of my mate’s,
And items which were my daughter’s and son’s.

Many fix-it-jobs kept the board useful,
When not working it was a bed for cats.
Through bonnets, kilts and baskets full,
The only things it didn’t iron were hats.

But nothing lasts forever, entropy takes its toll,
And bumps and bangs were often.
When cats leapt from the board it took a roll
And busted welds did not its life soften.

The board met its demise on a very sad day,
Which led for a search in stores and the ‘net
And a replacement was found, still from the USA
Not as beastly as of yore, but will it work?—you bet!
-Written for me by My Beloved



Anonymous said...

Oh Jill!

How precious these words you share! That same type ironing board (!) made its way to my home when I got many years ago. My sweet Aunt and Uncle bought it for me as a wedding gift. It is indeed strong and sturdy and still in use! I’ve changed covers several times and oiled creaks, but thankfully haven’t had to weld anything! Loved the poem and well remembered green stamps! I use my board quite often, because I still enjoy ironing!


The Piper's Wife said...

Thank you, Nelia :o) What a wonderful wedding gift, and what a sweet Aunt and Uncle :o)
Keep that baby oiled and maybe you will have it til Glory! :o)