Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's Day Flowers

My mother loved flowers. She loved perennials and annuals.  :o)

I did not know until later in her life that she loved Purple Cone Flowers so very much.

My yard is full of perennials, some of which came from her yard, and now all these years later I'm blessed with all my memories of her.

I remember her laugh, her smile, her hugs, her tears, her love for all of her family. 

Her tenderness is my treasure.

1951: brother #1


Anonymous said...

Reading your posts is a breath of freshness....and I can relate to them, which is like a warm hug! The pictures from your past remind me of similar times. My mother loved flowers and kept a beautiful yard. I also had a cat named Fluffy! Sweet memories. It’s great to remember happy times with our mothers! Thank you!

The Piper's Wife said...

Oh, are a "breath of freshness" from the LORD! Thank you for your comments. What joy to hear of your mother and also your Fluffy :o)