Monday, May 20, 2024

My Mother's JOY is Mine!

My JOY over this poppy plant producing over eight flowers this Spring has been over the top!

I purchased this plant over a few years ago in memory of my sweet mother. Each year it did not do well and eventually it would shrivel up in the summer heat no matter how I would shelter it and water it.

This year stands out as a normal Spring with cool temperatures and plenty of rains - so maybe this plant needs this kind of weather to prosper.

My mother always had her poppies in bloom right outside the front door. It was her joy. I never inquired if there was a reason why she loved them so. (Memorial day? Her own Mother?...)

You can imagine my joy this Spring as each day came. I would see another and another bud... and now each bloom!

Here I am in 1961 with one poppy peeking out at the upper left side.  

My mother probably sat me out there on our little person rocker for my father to include me AND the poppies. Back then you could not check your photo out before developing it.

At least I KNOW the poppies are there :o) plus my precious calico, Fluffy, and my curly hair!  Ready for church.

*Happy Memories*


Anonymous said...

Many times you have written of times in your past that I can relate to! I had a cat named Fluffy. My mother loved flowers, too, although I don’t recollect her growing any poppies. Yours are beautiful! So happy they bloomed this year for you! Sweet picture, too!

The Piper's Wife said...

Thank you, are so sweet to comment. Praise the LORD we both had loving parents! I think I miss my parents now -more than ever. I suppose it is part of grieving. Thank you for sharing! I am sure that our parents would have liked each other!

The poppy plant was such a surprise to me when it began to grow this early Spring. It looked very similar to a sticker plant. In its early growing--- almost pulled it! And then I remembered that was my poppy plant spot. What joy has come from it! :o) Two more flowers ready to bloom for us to enjoy!

The Piper's Wife said...

Nelia, I forgot about your kitty! What a popular name or just a coincidence!

We picked out our Fluffy from a family with all boys. The boys had named her Cherokee! I don't think my mother told them we changed her name. I think the boys would have been disappointed.