Saturday, December 4, 2010

You are just a vapor

“You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” James 4:14b

I spoke with an older gentleman in his 80’s today.  He is very dear to me.  He shared a bit about his one son and openly lamented for the first time that he had wasted 60 years not coming alongside his son and encouraging him from the beginning.

My heart completely broke for him---and his precious son.  I encouraged this father to call his son and come alongside him now.  It is never too late while you have breath!  I know this may mean far more to his son than the father thinks it will, and, oh, how it will bless the father!

“Yet you do not know what your life will be tomorrow.” James 4:14a

Gentle sisters…who can you come alongside of today?  Who would be so blessed by your touch?  Before our chances are gone, let us reach out and love others!  We who have the Holy Spirit indwelling us can do wonderful and marvelous things because we have the LORD‘s strength.

May you go out with joy as His handmaidens this week with His grace, mercy and love.

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