Saturday, March 28, 2015

Are you a witness?

I have lived many joys in my life and I have lived many sorrows.  God has been with me throughout.  

I can look back and "see" His mighty hand touching my circumstances where I gloried in His name then and now.  His hand has also been on me in the sorrows He has allowed to touch me and mine-- at times I may have groaned, "why?", but I can look now and understand how He has been with me even in my deepest agony to this day.

I contemplated all this as I was thinking of the "care takers" in our world: police, firemen, medical profession, pastors, social workers, senior care facilities, friends, neighbors...

What sorrows these people witness every day!  I am speaking beyond the physical. I am talking of what they witness in the human condition of sin, how people treat each other.  How family members mistreat each other in cruel and petty ways.  It must become overwhelming at times for them.  It certainly overwhelms me.

As for each of us in our own little world, our godly behavior in our own life matters.  No matter if we are dealing with the agonies in our own family unit or among the populace, we need to choose to respond rightly because of who we are in Christ.  

Our own family and the world watches those who claim the Name of Christ.  We must remember that we, as His children, have a perpetual "spotlight" on us, not for us to pretend to be good, but to actually live out our salvation to glorify the LORD.

How is your witness? 

"Life is tough" is an understatement!  Continue, my sisters in Christ, to live for Him in all these tough things in this life and know that the LORD God Almighty is with you!

Galatians 6:9-10
 "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. 

So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith."

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