Wednesday, February 10, 2021

You are more valuable than many sparrows

I saw him just yesterday at the bird feeder. A male English Sparrow just like all the rest of them around him, but he was kind of ratty looking and he wasn't really trying to eat.  I knew he was towards the end of his life.

I love the LORD and His creation He made for us. I enjoy it every day where ever I am.

I also know of our fallen world, that even the creation groans all through time because of Adam and Eve's choice to rebel against the LORD.

So as I watched this dying sparrow on my feeder my heart ached for the inevitable. I not only ached for this tiny bird, but for all of the sorrows of mankind. 

I didn't see him again until this morning. We have had much snow and bitter cold temperatures. As I walked out to refill the far feeder and birdbath, there he was two feet from the birdbath standing on the snow as if alive. He had not flown or hopped away so I knew he had died right there frozen, looking perfectly fine, although a bit ratty.

It struck me so hard that I wept for this little bird and for all of the sorrows, struggles, and then the end of life for all of us. 

Even so this is not an end.

We have a great God who loves us so. His desire is for us to turn to Him, trust Jesus as our Savior from this fallen world, from our own sins. He is waiting through all time for each one of us to turn to Him in His truth. 

He knows all about you even if you do not know Him.  He knows how many hairs you have on your head, even each one which falls out throughout the day.

He knows His creation and even every single little bird which loses its life--He knows.

Jesus said:

"...What I tell you in the darkness, tell in the light; 

and what you hear whispered in your ear, 

proclaim on the housetops.

And do not be afraid of those who kill the body 

but are unable to kill the soul; 

but rather fear Him who is able to destroy 

both soul and body in hell.

Are two sparrows not sold for a penny? 

And yet not one of them will fall to the ground 

apart from your Father.

But even the hairs of your head are all counted.

So do not fear; 

you are more valuable than a great number of sparrows."...

Matthew 10: 27-31

If you do not know the LORD God or His Son Jesus Christ you can know Him by reading the Bible. Begin in the book of John

When you become a child of God your life will never be the same because you become a new creation in Him. You become white as snow. Isaiah 1:18

..."if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come."...

Corinthians 5:17



Anonymous said...

This little bird story touched my heart, as I can just imagine everything you described. God surely blessed us with His winged creatures, didn’t He? Bless you for your caring of the little birds! What a great love the Father has for us, and if only people would have opened ears and eyes to hear and see! All of creation speaks of Him!

Stay warm and cozy! Thankful for heat and comfort in frigid, snowy weather!


The Piper's Wife said...

Thank you ,Nelia, Yes, God's creation is out here shining! and yet few see it for what it is!

In our snow covered, frozen world just now I heard a bird singing!

Anonymous said...

I think there’s a convention going on in my front yard! So many different kinds of birds and they discovered the sunflower seeds!😊. Their behavior is a joy to watch, although one female cardinal got sort of bossy and protective of the seeds with a smaller bird and she didn’t want to ‘share’ her find! Then, a big blue jay comes in to rule in his own way! Lots of red berries on the ground from their favorite holly tree hideout! Lovely that you got to hear a song!

The Piper's Wife said...

Your feeder sounds busy! What fun! :o)