Monday, December 13, 2021

Wandering Roads/Wandering Lives/Wonderful Savior

I have been contemplating old, dusty, country roads. They wind all around depending on the terrain while they go up and down with all the hills. Sometimes, when out in the boonies, you wonder if you will ever find a way to take you home again!

Our lives can be like wandering country roads. All along we grow and learn to eventually begin to choose our own paths; make our own decisions. Sometimes we choose wisely, and other times we choose poorly, and our lives begin to wander.

During these times we may allow other people to affect our right thinking. They sway us into thinking Their Way.  We begin to think Their Way is the only way: it is the right way; maybe even the more "holy way". We then follow after the leader of a group. We begin to give them our complete trust. These leaders seemingly have what we think is good and right- even "holy".

People who have known us all along may question our new behavior, our new relationships, our desire to be exclusive with Their Way, and why we listen only to that one person - even to the point of "worshipping" them; hanging on their every word.

The TRUTH is these leaders are not right. 
They are not leading you in the right way. 
They are leading you down an evil path AWAY from the True Savior.

The GOOD NEWs is that the True Savior, Jesus, will forgive you when you come to Him in His Truth. He alone is a Wonderful Savior. His is the Word of Truth to follow and trust ---not a person who chooses what they want God's Word to say.

Colossians 2:8 "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ." 

Please check out a very educational post by Don and Joy Veinot, titled, Children of the Cult.

Their subject begins with how children who are raised in cult groups eventually  struggle when they mature into adults after a lifetime of learning the wrong ways in which God views us; the wrong ways to interpret scripture. 

God's Grace has been left out.

Here are some quotes concerning Gothardism (a legalistic, cultic lifestyle group) - although, every cult-like leader tends to have similar kinds of controlling, manipulating, legalistic teachings. All cults abuse their followers if only in the twisting of God's Word to suit their own desires, their own belief systems.

..."The powerful being they have been taught to believe in is an evil distortion of the God of Scripture."...

..."They have realized they cannot possibly live up to the rigid standards imposed upon them, and so often they wander through life feeling as though God Himself has rejected them."...

Concerning the individual people who control, manipulate, and abuse their followers:

..."a patricentric authoritarian group and can certainly be considered sociologically to be cultic."...

By the way, women can certainly be the abuser, manipulator, controller, legalistic wielding leader.

..."the love of God is lacking"...

The Veinots then continue in thought provoking examinations. It is definitely worth reading.

After all your wandering there is a way to find yourself with the real Savior, Jesus of the Bible:

"But He gives a greater grace. 

Therefore it says, 
“God is opposed to the proud, 
but gives grace to the humble.” 

Submit therefore to God. 

Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. 

Cleanse your hands, you sinners; 
and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

Be miserable and mourn and weep; 
let your laughter be turned into mourning 
and your joy to gloom.

Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, 
and He will exalt you."


Thank you to Don and Joy Veinot

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