Thursday, September 7, 2023

A Genuine Need for godly Fathers

From the Beginning the LORD gave fathers and mothers a role in their raising up of children.

Both mother and father are important for each child to learn what love is, what faithfulness is, kindness, duty, honor, etc.

This comic is poignant as it significantly points out this little girl's touching emotions of how her father loves and treasures her as his own little girl. Because of her father she knows who she is: a dearly loved daughter - who will grow up into a dearly loved woman.

Our world desperately needs genuine godly fathers and mothers to bring up the next, and the next, and the next generation in righteousness.

"Parents, whether they intend to or not, teach their children by example. While giving the correct instruction and dispensing appropriate discipline is important, parents must demonstrate godliness in their own lives. No matter what parents try to teach their children, if they do not live it themselves, their children likely will not listen. Children must be able to see their parents walking in integrity (Proverbs 20:7) and engaging in good works (Matthew 5:16) so they can follow their example."

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