Monday, January 7, 2013

Trust God to work in and through you

...We all long for a place where we can be real---and as we learn to walk in His grace we find that we can be ourselves, just as we are, with nothing to be afraid of and nothing to hide. We are able to trust God to work in and through us what we can not do for ourselves. As we learn to walk in grace, we are able to extend that same grace to others around us, realizing that it is not our responsibility to change them, but rather to trust God for His work in them, just as we are trusting God for the same thing in ourselves.

As we walk in grace as we really are, we are able to receive the perfect love that God has for us-- both the love that comes from Him and the love of other people around us. 

God saw our reality as it really was---and is---and loved us in that reality. That is why He sent Jesus to die for us.

Walk in grace--and live in reality as you truly are, 

trusting God for all the rest.

HT: Crystal's Ministry Updates: We Can Be Real, January 6, 2013

God's grace is full of His love, mercy, and compassion.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, 
that we should be called children of God! 
And that is what we are!
1John 3:1a

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