Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You can be deceived

"A cult is a group or relationship that presents itself as friendly, caring, loving, and offers to meet needs, but has a hidden agenda to manipulate, exploit, and abuse."
Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center 

Any person... any intellect, any Christian, any non-Christain, any age person can be fooled, seduced, brainwashed, and led into a cult, a cult-like group or by a cult-like leader.  

We are all susceptible.  We must stay on high alert always.  This goes for where we go to church, what books, media, and DVDs we watch and listen,  but also for our relationships with whom we fellowship.

1 Corinthians 15:33  "Do not be deceived;  Bad company corrupts good morals." 

Let's keep our eyes and ears open for "red flags" in all things and always, always run to the LORD for His truth!

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