Thursday, January 3, 2013

Aging gracefully from the inside out.

By Taprina Miburn

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. 
If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
Mark Twain

“…I [Taprina] turned 45 recently and I had an epiphany. I am now about the same age that a few of the female mentors in my life were when I first met them. I’ve had the privilege of their friendship for two decades. Thank God I put aside my smug 20-something attitude long enough to recognize I needed the examples of older women - their wit, perspective, and willingness to share with me life lessons they’d learned along the way. I truly can’t remember ever once thinking as a 20-year-old that these women were old. Even today, in their late 60s and early 70s, they still don’t seem old to me. This drives home my belief, “old is an attitude, not a number.”

These women have experienced bumps in their lives - things that would make most people feel old, want to pull down the shades, sit in the rocker, and resign. There have been deaths of spouses, serious health issues, and career disappointments. 

But what I’ve witnessed was grace and class as these women grieved, healed, and reshaped their future despite their losses. 

 They show up for loved one’s celebrations and milestones, engage their minds in work they love and that challenges their intellect, they involve themselves in projects they believe in, books and ideas that expand them, exercise that keeps them fit and mobile, and maintain friendships with people young and old.

These women aren’t in rockers. They rock.

Someone asked me jokingly after my birthday if I felt old now that I’m 45. Honestly? No. Irritated occasionally? Yes. For instance, I now carry reading glasses with me everywhere. The print is becoming smaller in books and on labels. What’s this about? …

…and yes, there are some aches and pains that have begun to creep in and drive me crazy, but my motto is to keep moving so I don’t freeze up like the Tin Man. So far, it works.

But despite those little middle age irritations, I like where I am and look forward to the future. It’s better than the alternative, right? 

I have good examples in front of me of what aging gracefully from the inside out looks like 

and, believe me, I’m paying close attention….”

From: For Sanity’s Sake: ‘Age is an attitude, not a number’, by Taprina Milburn, in December 2012, Mature Focus

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