Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blessed by the ordinary

My maids were doing the laundry today ~ my washer and dryer.     As I helped them ~ transfer the laundry to the dryer ~ I was struck by how blessed I am.

Even when we were first married with no “maids” of our own, we were able to go together to the laundromat to have their maids do it for us.

For over thirty years I have had my faithful maids as they changed hands to younger ones, but relentlessly doing all our dirty laundry, drying, and even felting wool sweaters on purpose, or even by accident!

Each time as the laundry cycles would be completed, they would give the clean clothes over to me.   It began as simple as the first small home we lived in where the piles would add up in the middle of the living room floor.    From that moment on tradition reigned and every living room has had its purpose of pile after pile of laundry which would wait to be folded.

As my little ones would grow, their first jobs would be to fold the wash cloths.   I will never forget the joy they had, and also gave me, as I watched them glory in helping mommy.   Days, weeks, months, years of folding laundry many times a week in the middle of the living room pass before my mind's eye now.

These days the piles aren’t so big nor so often, but they do add up and still need folded ~ those persnickety maids never will do that for me.   It has usually been in the evening when the folding begins.   A quiet, calm time to fold and then take the organized piles to their specific places.

This past autumn, though, the little girl kitty finds my lap inviting before I can sit on the floor and fold.   She has lost both of her kitty brothers within two years ~ or it just seems so ~ and needs her "momma" time when she says so.   Soon enough my Beloved enters the room with me and little girl kitty both snuggled in the chair with the pile of laundry looming in the foreground, but now completely forgotten by me with such a sweet creature snuggled contentedly next to me.

So tradition has morphed into the girls watching as my Beloved sits and folds the laundry, sweetly, quietly, calmly. 

I am so very blessed.  Thank you, my Great God and King!  

Ooops! There goes the buzzer again!  And the maids are finished ~ time for the first pile!

Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
 I have set the Lord always before me.
Because He is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
because you will not abandon me to the grave,
nor will you let your Holy One see decay.
You have made known to me the path of life;
    You will fill me with joy in Your presence,
with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
Psalm 16: 5-11


Susan-Anne White said...

Jill, It was delightful to read your post about your two "maids" and the kitty and your Beloved. Such eloquence, such beautiful language and sentiments. A very edifying post.

The Piper's Wife said...

Susan-Anne, you are so sweet to comment. All I can do is praise the LORD!